操作系统:macOS High Sierra
然后去Windows 10系统下操作测试,Chrome,Firefox,EDGE都挂了,无法获取。。
12:37:10 Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'zt_action' already exists in module/install/model.php:445
Stack trace:
#0 module/install/model.php(445): PDO->query('CREATE TABLE IF...')
#1 module/install/model.php(311): installModel->createTable('5.5')
#2 module/install/control.php(119): installModel->checkConfig()
#3 framework/base/router.class.php(1691): install->step3()
#4 www/install.php(36): baseRouter->loadModule()
#5 {main}
thrown in module/install/model.php on line 445 when visiting /install.php?m=install&f=step3
17:09:20 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting my
17:09:20 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting block-printBlock-5-my
17:09:20 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting block-printBlock-3-my
17:09:21 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting block-printBlock-6-my
17:09:21 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting block-printBlock-9-my
17:09:21 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting block-printBlock-2-my
17:09:21 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting block-printBlock-8-my
17:09:23 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting story-view-1873
17:09:41 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting file-ajaxUpload-5a0ea74309c13
17:09:41 Use of undefined constant ture - assumed 'ture' in config/my.php on line 3 when visiting file-read-5381
$config->installed = true;
$config->debug = ture;
$config->requestType = 'PATH_INFO';
$config->db->host = 'localhost';
$config->db->port = '3306';
$config->db->name = '*******';
$config->db->user = 'root';
$config->db->password = 'qwe!@#';
$config->db->prefix = 'zt_';
$config->webRoot = getWebRoot();
$config->default->lang = 'zh-cn';