maxImport = isset($_COOKIE['maxImport']) ? $_COOKIE['maxImport'] : 0; $this->portConfig = $this->config->port; $this->portLang = $this->lang->port; } /** * Commom Actions * * @param int $model * @access public * @return void */ public function commonActions($model = '') { if($model) { $this->loadModel($model); $this->modelConfig = $this->config->$model; $this->modelLang = $this->lang->$model; $this->modelFieldList = $this->config->$model->datatable->fieldList; $this->modelListFields = explode(',', $this->config->$model->listFields); } } /** * Check tmpFile. * * @access public * @return void */ public function checkTmpFile() { $file = $this->session->fileImportFileName; $tmpPath = $this->loadModel('file')->getPathOfImportedFile(); $tmpFile = $tmpPath . DS . md5(basename($file)); if($this->maxImport and file_exists($tmpFile)) return $tmpFile; return false; } /** * Check suhosin info. * * @param array $datas * @access public * @return void */ public function checkSuhosinInfo($datas = array()) { if(empty($datas)) return; $current = (array)current($datas); /* Judge whether the editedTasks is too large and set session. */ $countInputVars = count($datas) * count($current); // Count all post datas $showSuhosinInfo = common::judgeSuhosinSetting($countInputVars); if($showSuhosinInfo) return extension_loaded('suhosin') ? sprintf($this->lang->suhosinInfo, $countInputVars) : sprintf($this->lang->maxVarsInfo, $countInputVars); return; } /** * Create tmpFile. * * @param int $objectDatas * @access public * @return void */ public function createTmpFile($objectDatas) { $file = $this->session->fileImportFileName; $tmpPath = $this->loadModel('file')->getPathOfImportedFile(); $tmpFile = $tmpPath . DS . md5(basename($file)); if(file_exists($tmpFile)) unlink($tmpFile); file_put_contents($tmpFile, serialize($objectDatas)); $this->session->set('tmpFile', $tmpFile); } /** * Check Required fields . * * @param int $model * @param int $line * @param int $data * @access public * @return void */ public function checkRequired($model, $line, $data) { if(isset($this->config->$model->create->requiredFields)) { $requiredFields = explode(',', $this->config->$model->create->requiredFields); foreach($requiredFields as $requiredField) { $requiredField = trim($requiredField); if(empty($data[$requiredField])) dao::$errors[] = sprintf($this->lang->port->noRequire, $line, $this->lang->$model->$requiredField); } } } /** * Delete sheet2 from import xlsx or xls file. * * @param string $filePath * @access public * @return void */ public function cutFile($filePath = '') { if(file_exists($filePath)) { $tmpPath = $this->app->getAppRoot() . 'tmp/import/excel' . $this->app->user->account . time(); $this->app->loadClass('pclzip', true); $zip = new pclzip($filePath); $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $tmpPath); $sheet2Path = $tmpPath . '/xl/worksheets/sheet2.xml'; if(file_exists($sheet2Path)) { $sheet2xmlPath = $tmpPath . '/[Content_Types].xml'; $sheet2reslPath = $tmpPath . '/xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels'; $sheet2wookbookPath = $tmpPath . '/xl/workbook.xml'; $sheet2xml = ''; $sheet2resl = ''; $xml = file_get_contents($sheet2xmlPath); $resl = file_get_contents($sheet2reslPath); $wookbook = file_get_contents($sheet2wookbookPath); $xml = str_ireplace($sheet2xml,'', $xml); $resl = str_ireplace($sheet2resl,'', $resl); $wookbook = preg_replace('/]*sheetId="2[^>]*>/', '', $wookbook); file_put_contents($sheet2xmlPath, $xml); file_put_contents($sheet2reslPath, $resl); file_put_contents($sheet2wookbookPath, $wookbook); @unlink($sheet2Path); } $result = $zip->create($tmpPath,PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH,$tmpPath); $zfile = $this->app->loadClass('zfile'); $zfile->removeDir($tmpPath); } } /** * export * * @param string $model * @access public * @return void */ public function export($model = '') { $fields = $this->post->exportFields; /* Init config fieldList */ $fieldList = $this->initFieldList($model, $fields); $rows = $this->getRows($model, $fieldList); $list = $this->setListValue($model, $fieldList); if($list) foreach($list as $listName => $listValue) $this->post->set($listName, $listValue); /* Get export rows and fields datas */ $exportDatas = $this->getExportDatas($fieldList, $rows); $this->post->set('rows', $exportDatas['rows']); $this->post->set('fields', $exportDatas['fields']); $this->post->set('kind', $model); } /** * Init postFields. * * @param string $model * @access public * @return void */ public function initPostFields($model = '') { $this->commonActions($model); $datas = fixer::input('post')->get(); $objectData = array(); foreach ($datas as $field => $data) { if(is_array($data)) { foreach($data as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) $value = join(',', $value); $objectData[$key][$field] = $value; } } } return $objectData; } /** * Init FieldList . * * @param int $model * @param string $fields * @param int $withKey * @access public * @return void */ public function initFieldList($model, $fields = '', $withKey = true) { $this->commonActions($model); $this->mergeConfig($model); $this->portConfig->sysDataList = $this->initSysDataFields(); $portFieldList = $this->portConfig->fieldList; if(empty($fields)) return false; if(!is_array($fields)) $fields = explode(',', $fields); $fieldList = array(); /* build module fieldList. */ foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $field = trim($field); $modelFieldList = isset($this->modelFieldList[$field]) ? $this->modelFieldList[$field] : array(); foreach ($portFieldList as $portField => $value) { $funcName = 'init' . ucfirst($portField); if((!isset($modelFieldList[$portField])) or $portField == 'title') { $modelFieldList[$portField] = $this->portConfig->fieldList[$portField]; if(strpos($this->portConfig->initFunction, $portField) !== false) $modelFieldList[$portField] = $this->$funcName($model, $field); } } $modelFieldList['values'] = $this->initValues($model, $field, $modelFieldList, $withKey); $fieldList[$field] = $modelFieldList; } if(!empty($fieldList['mailto'])) { $fieldList['mailto']['control'] = 'multiple'; $fieldList['mailto']['values'] = $this->portConfig->sysDataList['user']; } return $fieldList; } /** * Init Title. * * @param int $model * @param int $field * @access public * @return void */ public function initTitle($model, $field) { $title = $field; $this->commonActions($model); if(!empty($this->modelConfig->fieldList[$field]['title'])) return $this->modelLang->{$this->modelConfig->fieldList[$field]['title']}; if(isset($this->lang->$model->$field)) { $title = $this->lang->$model->$field; } elseif(isset($this->lang->$model->{$field . 'AB'})) { $title = $this->lang->$model->{$field . 'AB'}; } elseif(isset($this->lang->port->reservedWord[$field])) { $title = $this->lang->port->reservedWord[$field]; } return $title; } /** * Init Control . * * @param int $model * @param int $field * @access public * @return void */ public function initControl($model, $field) { if(isset($this->modelFieldList[$field]['control'])) return $this->modelFieldList[$field]['control']; if(isset($this->modelLang->{$field.'List'})) return 'select'; if(isset($this->modelFieldList[$field]['dataSource'])) return 'select'; if(strpos($this->portConfig->sysDataFields, $field) !== false) return 'select'; return $this->portConfig->fieldList['control']; } /** * Init Values . * * @param int $model * @param int $field * @param string $fieldValue * @param int $withKey * @access public * @return void */ public function initValues($model, $field, $fieldValue = '', $withKey = true) { $values = $fieldValue['values']; if($values and (strpos($this->portConfig->sysDataFields, $values) !== false)) return $this->portConfig->sysDataList[$values]; if(!$fieldValue['dataSource']) return $values; extract($fieldValue['dataSource']); // $module, $method, $params, $pairs, $sql, $lang if(!empty($module) and !empty($method)) { $params = !empty($params) ? $params : ''; $pairs = !empty($pairs) ? $pairs : ''; $values = $this->getSourceByModuleMethod($model, $module, $method, $params, $pairs); } elseif(!empty($lang)) { $values = $this->getSourceByLang($lang); } /* If empty values put system datas .*/ if(empty($values)) { if(strpos($this->modelConfig->sysLangFields, $field) and !empty($this->modelLang->{$field.'List'})) return $this->modelLang->{$field.'List'}; if(strpos($this->modelConfig->sysDataFields, $field) and !empty($this->portConfig->sysDataList[$field])) return $this->portConfig->sysDataList[$field]; } if(is_array($values) and $withKey) { unset($values['']); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $values[$key] = $value . "(#$key)"; } } return $values; } /** * Init Required. * * @param int $model * @param int $field * @access public * @return void */ public function initRequired($model, $field) { $this->commonActions($model); if(empty($this->modelConfig->create->requiredFields)) return 'no'; $requiredFields = "," . $this->modelConfig->create->requiredFields . ","; if(strpos($requiredFields, $field) !== false) return 'yes'; return 'no'; } /** * Init system datafields list. * * @access public * @return array */ public function initSysDataFields() { $this->commonActions(); $dataList = array(); $sysDataFields = explode(',', $this->portConfig->sysDataFields); foreach($sysDataFields as $field) { $dataList[$field] = $this->loadModel($field)->getPairs(); if($field == 'user') $dataList[$field] = $this->loadModel($field)->getPairs('noclosed|nodeleted|noletter'); } return $dataList; } /** * Get showImport datas. * * @param string $model * @param string $filter * @access public * @return array */ public function format($model = '', $filter = '') { /* Bulid import paris (field => name) .*/ $fields = $this->getImportFields($model); /* Check tmpfile. */ $tmpFile = $this->checkTmpFile(); /* If tmpfile not isset create tmpfile .*/ if(!$tmpFile) { $rows = $this->getRowsFromExcel(); $modelData = $this->processRows4Fields($rows, $fields); $modelData = $this->getNatureDatas($model, $modelData, $filter); $this->createTmpFile($modelData); } else { $modelData = $this->getDatasByFile($tmpFile); } return $modelData; } /** * Get rows from excel. * * @access public * @return void */ public function getRowsFromExcel() { $rows = $this->file->getRowsFromExcel($this->session->fileImportFileName); if(is_string($rows)) { if($this->session->fileImportFileName) unlink($this->session->fileImportFileName); unset($_SESSION['fileImportFileName']); unset($_SESSION['fileImportExtension']); echo js::alert($rows); die(js::locate('back')); } return $rows; } /** * Get field values by method . * * @param int $model * @param int $module * @param int $method * @param string $params * @param string $pairs * @access public * @return void */ public function getSourceByModuleMethod($model, $module, $method, $params = '', $pairs = '') { $getParams = $this->session->{$model . 'PortParams'}; if($params) { $params = explode('&', $params); foreach($params as $param => $value) { if(strpos($value, '$') !== false) $params[$param] = $getParams[ltrim($value, '$')]; } } /* If this method has multiple parameters use call_user_func_array */ if(is_array($params)) { $values = call_user_func_array(array($this->loadModel($module), $method), $params); } else { $values = $this->loadModel($module)->$method($params); } if(!empty($pairs)) { $valuePairs = array(); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if(is_object($value)) $value = get_object_vars($value); $valuePairs[$key] = $value[$pairs[1]]; if(!empty($pairs[0])) $valuePairs[$value[$pairs[0]]] = $value[$pairs[1]]; } $values = $valuePairs; } return $values; } /** * Get field values by lang . * * @access public * @return void */ public function getSourceByLang($lang) { return isset($this->modelLang->$lang) ? $this->modelLang->$lang : ''; } /** * Get ExportDatas. * * @param int $fieldList * @param array $rows * @access public * @return void */ public function getExportDatas($fieldList, $rows = array()) { $exportDatas = array(); $dataSourceList = array(); foreach ($fieldList as $key => $field) { $exportDatas['fields'][$key] = $field['title']; if($field['values']) { $exportDatas[$key] = $field['values']; $dataSourceList[] = $key; } } if(empty($rows)) return $exportDatas; $exportDatas['user'] = $this->loadModel('user')->getPairs('noclosed|nodeleted|noletter'); foreach ($rows as $id => $values) { foreach($values as $field => $value) { if(in_array($field, $dataSourceList)) { if($fieldList[$field]['control'] == 'multiple') { $multiple = ''; $separator = $field == 'mailto' ? ',' : "\n"; $multipleLsit = explode(',', $value); foreach($multipleLsit as $key => $tmpValue) $multipleLsit[$key] = zget($exportDatas[$field], $tmpValue); $multiple = join($separator, $multipleLsit); $rows[$id]->$field = $multiple; } else { $rows[$id]->$field = zget($exportDatas[$field], $value, ''); } } elseif(strpos($this->config->port->userFields, $field) !== false) { $rows[$id]->$field = zget($exportDatas['user'], $value, ''); } /* if value = 0 or value = 0000:00:00 set value = ''*/ if(helper::isZeroDate($value)) { $rows[$id]->$field = ''; } } } $exportDatas['rows'] = array_values($rows); return $exportDatas; } /** * Get files by model; * * @param int $model * @param int $datas * @access public * @return void */ public function getFiles($model, $datas) { $this->loadModel('file'); $relatedFiles = $this->dao->select('id, objectID, pathname, title')->from(TABLE_FILE) ->where('objectType')->eq($model) ->andWhere('objectID')->in(@array_keys($datas)) ->andWhere('extra') ->ne('editor') ->fetchGroup('objectID'); if(empty($datas) and empty($relatedFiles)) return $datas; /* Set related files. */ foreach($datas as $data) { $data->files = ''; if(isset($relatedFiles[$data->id])) { foreach($relatedFiles[$data->id] as $file) { $fileURL = common::getSysURL() . helper::createLink('file', 'download', "fileID={$file->id}"); $data->files .= html::a($fileURL, $file->title, '_blank') . '
'; } } } return $datas; } /** * Set list value. * * @param int $model * @param int $fieldList * @access public * @return void/array */ public function setListValue($model, $fieldList) { $lists = array(); $this->commonActions($model); if(!empty($this->modelListFields)) { $listFields = $this->modelListFields; foreach($listFields as $field) { $listName = $field . 'List'; if(!empty($_POST[$listName])) continue; if(!empty($fieldList[$field])) { $lists[$listName] = $fieldList[$field]['values']; if(strpos($this->config->$model->sysLangFields, $field)) $lists[$listName] = join(',', $fieldList[$field]['values']); } } $lists['listStyle'] = $listFields; } if(!empty($this->modelConfig->cascade)) { $lists = $this->getCascadeList($model, $lists); $lists['cascade'] = $this->modelConfig->cascade; } return $lists; } /** * Get cascade list for export excel. * * @param int $model * @param int $lists * @access public * @return void */ public function getCascadeList($model, $lists) { $this->commonActions($model); if(!isset($this->modelConfig->cascade)) return $lists; $cascadeArray = $this->modelConfig->cascade; foreach($cascadeArray as $field => $linkFiled) { $fieldList = $field . 'List'; $linkFieldList = $linkFiled . 'List'; $tmpFieldList = array(); if(!empty($lists[$fieldList]) and !empty($lists[$linkFieldList])) { $table = zget($this->config->objectTables, $field); if(empty($table)) continue; $fieldIDList = array_keys($lists[$fieldList]); $linkFieldIDList = array_keys($lists[$linkFieldList]); $fieldDatas = $this->dao->select("id, $linkFiled")->from($table)->where('id')->in($fieldIDList)->fetchPairs(); if(empty($fieldDatas)) continue; foreach($fieldDatas as $id => $linkFieldID) { $tmpFieldList[$linkFieldID][$id] = $lists[$fieldList][$id]; } $lists[$fieldList] = $tmpFieldList; } } return $lists; } /** * Get Rows . * * @param int $model * @param int $fieldList * @param string $orderBy * @access public * @return void */ public function getRows($model, $fieldList, $orderBy = 'id_desc') { $modelDatas = $this->getQueryDatas($model); if(isset($fieldList['files']) or property_exists($fieldList, 'files')) { $modelDatas = $this->getFiles($model, $modelDatas); } $rows = !empty($_POST['rows']) ? $_POST['rows'] : ''; if($rows) { foreach($rows as $id => $row) { $modelDatas[$id] = (object) array_merge((array)$modelDatas[$id], (array)$row); } } /* Deal children datas and multiple tasks .*/ if($modelDatas) $modelDatas = $this->updateChildDatas($modelDatas); return $modelDatas; } /** * Get query datas. * * @param string $model * @access public * @return void */ public function getQueryDatas($model = '') { $queryCondition = $this->session->{$model . 'QueryCondition'}; $onlyCondition = $this->session->{$model . 'OnlyCondition'}; $modelDatas = array(); if($onlyCondition and $queryCondition) { $table = zget($this->config->objectTables, $model); if(isset($this->config->$model->port->table)) $table = $this->config->$model->port->table; $modelDatas = $this->dao->select('*')->from($table)->alias('t1') ->where($queryCondition) ->beginIF($this->post->exportType == 'selected')->andWhere('')->in($this->cookie->checkedItem)->fi() ->fetchAll('id'); } elseif($queryCondition) { $selectKey = 'id'; if($model == 'testcase') $model = 'case'; if(strpos($queryCondition, "`{$this->config->db->prefix}$model` AS t1") !== false) $selectKey = ''; if(strpos($queryCondition, "`{$this->config->db->prefix}$model` AS t2") !== false) $selectKey = ''; $stmt = $this->dbh->query($queryCondition . ($this->post->exportType == 'selected' ? " AND $selectKey IN({$this->cookie->checkedItem})" : '')); while($row = $stmt->fetch()) { if($selectKey !== '' and isset($row->$model) and isset($row->id)) $row->id = $row->$model; $modelDatas[$row->id] = $row; } } return $modelDatas; } /** * Get related objects pairs. * * @param string $model * @param string $object * @param string $pairs * @access public * @return void */ public function getRelatedObjects($model = '', $object = '', $pairs = '') { /* Get objects. */ $datas = $this->getQueryDatas($model); /* Get related objects id lists. */ $relatedObjectIdList = array(); $relatedObjects = array(); foreach($datas as $data) $relatedObjectIdList[$data->$object] = $data->$object; if($object == 'openedBuild') $object = 'build'; /* Get related objects title or names. */ $table = $this->config->objectTables[$object]; if($table) $relatedObjects = $this->dao->select($pairs)->from($table) ->where('id')->in($relatedObjectIdList)->fetchPairs(); if($object == 'build') $relatedObjects= array('trunk' => $this->lang->trunk) + $relatedObjects; return $relatedObjects; } /** * Get nature datas. * * @param int $model * @param int $datas * @param string $filter * @access public * @return void */ public function getNatureDatas($model, $datas, $filter = '') { $lang = $this->lang->$model; foreach($datas as $key => $data) { foreach($data as $field => $cellValue) { if(strpos($this->portConfig->dateFeilds, $field) !== false and helper::isZeroDate($cellValue)) $datas[$key]->$field = ''; if(strpos($filter, $field) !== false) continue; if(is_array($cellValue)) continue; if(strrpos($cellValue, '(#') === false) { if(!isset($lang->{$field . 'List'}) or !is_array($lang->{$field . 'List'})) continue; /* When the cell value is key of list then eq the key. */ $listKey = array_keys($lang->{$field . 'List'}); unset($listKey[0]); unset($listKey['']); $fieldKey = array_search($cellValue, $lang->{$field . 'List'}); if($fieldKey) $datas[$key]->$field = array_search($cellValue, $lang->{$field . 'List'}); } else { $id = trim(substr($cellValue, strrpos($cellValue,'(#') + 2), ')'); $datas[$key]->$field = $id; $control = !empty($this->modelFieldList[$field]['control']) ? $this->modelFieldList[$field]['control'] : ''; if($control == 'multiple') { $cellValue = explode("\n", $cellValue); foreach($cellValue as &$value) { $value = trim(substr($value, strrpos($value,'(#') + 2), ')'); } $cellValue = array_filter($cellValue, function($v) {return (empty($v) && $v == '0') || !empty($v);}); $datas[$key]->$field = join(',', $cellValue); } } } } return $datas; } /** * Get datas by file. * * @param int $file * @access public * @return void */ public function getDatasByFile($file) { if(file_exists($file)) return unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); } /** * Get pagelist for datas. * * @param int $datas * @param int $pagerID * @access public * @return void */ public function getPageDatas($datas, $pagerID = 1) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->allCount = count($datas); $result->allPager = 1; $result->pagerID = $pagerID; $maxImport = $this->maxImport; if($result->allCount > $this->config->file->maxImport) { if(empty($maxImport)) { $result->maxImport = $maxImport; $result->datas = $datas; return $result; } $result->allPager = ceil($result->allCount / $maxImport); $datas = array_slice($datas, ($pagerID - 1) * $maxImport, $maxImport, true); } if(!$maxImport) $this->maxImport = $result->allCount; $result->maxImport = $maxImport; $result->isEndPage = $pagerID >= $result->allPager; $result->datas = $datas; $this->session->set('insert', true); foreach($datas as $data) { if(isset($data->id)) $this->session->set('insert', false); } if(empty($datas)) die(js::locate('back')); return $result; } /** * Get import fields. * * @param string $model * @access public * @return void */ public function getImportFields($model = '') { $this->commonActions($model); $modelLang = $this->lang->$model; $fields = explode(',', $this->modelConfig->templateFields); array_unshift($fields, 'id'); foreach($fields as $key => $fieldName) { $fieldName = trim($fieldName); $fields[$fieldName] = isset($modelLang->$fieldName) ? $modelLang->$fieldName : $fieldName; unset($fields[$key]); } return $fields; } /** * Get WorkFlow fields . * * @param int $model * @access public * @return void */ public function getWorkFlowFields($model) { if($this->config->edition != 'open') { $appendFields = $this->loadModel('workflowaction')->getFields($model, 'showimport', false); foreach($appendFields as $appendField) $this->config->$model->exportFields .= ',' . $appendField->field; $this->session->set('appendFields', $appendFields); $this->session->set('notEmptyRule', $this->loadModel('workflowrule')->getByTypeAndRule('system', 'notempty')); } } /** * Update children datas. * * @param int $datas * @access public * @return void */ public function updateChildDatas($datas) { $children = array(); foreach($datas as $data) { if(!empty($data->parent) and isset($datas[$data->parent])) { if(!empty($data->name)) $data->name = '>' . $data->name; elseif(!empty($data->title)) $data->title = '>' . $data->title; $children[$data->parent][$data->id] = $data; unset($datas[$data->id]); } if(!empty($data->mode)) { $datas[$data->id]->name = '[' . $this->lang->task->multipleAB . '] ' . $data->name; } } /* Move child data after parent data .*/ if(!empty($children)) { $position = 0; foreach($datas as $data) { $position ++; if(isset($children[$data->id])) { array_splice($datas, $position, 0, $children[$data->id]); $position += count($children[$data->id]); } } } return $datas; } /** * Process rows for fields. * * @param array $rows * @param array $fields * @access public * @return void */ public function processRows4Fields($rows = array(), $fields = array()) { $objectDatas = array(); foreach($rows as $currentRow => $row) { $tmpArray = new stdClass(); foreach($row as $currentColumn => $cellValue) { if($currentRow == 1) { $field = array_search($cellValue, $fields); $columnKey[$currentColumn] = $field ? $field : ''; continue; } if(empty($columnKey[$currentColumn])) { $currentColumn++; continue; } $field = $columnKey[$currentColumn]; $currentColumn++; /* Check empty data. */ if(empty($cellValue)) { $tmpArray->$field = ''; continue; } $tmpArray->$field = $cellValue; } if(!empty($tmpArray->title)) { $objectDatas[$currentRow] = $tmpArray; } elseif(!empty($tmpArray->name)) { $objectDatas[$currentRow] = $tmpArray; } unset($tmpArray); } if(empty($objectDatas)) { if(file_exists($this->session->fileImportFileName)) unlink($this->session->fileImportFileName); unset($_SESSION['fileImportFileName']); unset($_SESSION['fileImportExtension']); echo js::alert($this->lang->excel->noData); die(js::locate('back')); } return $objectDatas; } /** * Process child datas (task, story). * * @param int $objectID * @param int $data * @access public * @return void */ public function processChildData($lastID, $data) { $parentID = $this->session->parentID ? $this->session->parentID : 0; if(strpos($data['name'], '>') === 0) { if(!$parentID) { $parentID = $lastID; $this->session->set('parentID', $parentID); } $data['parent'] = $parentID; $data['name'] = ltrim($data['name'], '>'); $this->dao->update(TABLE_TASK)->set('parent')->eq('-1')->where('id')->eq($parentID)->exec(); } else { $this->session->set('parentID', 0); } return $data; } /** * Save import datas. * * @param int $model * @param int $datas * @access public * @return void */ public function saveImportDatas($model, $datas = '') { if(empty($datas)) $datas = $this->initPostFields($model); foreach($datas as $key => $data) { $subDatas = array(); if(isset($data['subDatas'])) { $subDatas = $data['subDatas']; unset($data['subDatas']); } if($this->post->insert) unset($data['id']); /* Check required field*/ $this->checkRequired($model, $key, $data); if(!empty($objectID) and in_array($model, $this->config->port->hasChildDataFields)) { $data = $this->processChildData($objectID, $data); } $table = zget($this->config->objectTables, $model); $this->dao->replace($table)->data($data)->autoCheck()->checkFlow()->exec(); $objectID = $this->dao->lastInsertID(); if(dao::isError()) die(js::error(dao::getError())); if(!empty($subDatas)) $this->saveSubTable($objectID, $subDatas); /* Create action*/ if($this->post->insert) $this->loadModel('action')->create($model, $objectID, 'Opened', ''); } if($this->post->isEndPage) { unlink($this->session->fileImportFileName); unlink($this->session->tmpFile); unset($_SESSION['fileImportFileName']); unset($_SESSION['fileImportExtension']); } } /** * Save SubTable datas. * * @param int $lastInsertID * @param int $datas * @access public * @return void */ public function saveSubTable($lastInsertID, $datas) { $table = zget($this->config->objectTables, $datas['name']); foreach($datas['datas'] as $key => $value) { $value[$datas['foreignkey']] = $lastInsertID; $this->dao->replace($table)->data($value)->autoCheck()->exec(); } } /** * Merge configs . * * @param int $model * @access public * @return void */ public function mergeConfig($model) { $this->commonActions($model); $portConfig = $this->portConfig; $modelConfig = $this->modelConfig; if(!isset($modelConfig->export)) $modelConfig->export = new stdClass(); if(!isset($modelConfig->import)) $modelConfig->export = new stdClass(); $modelConfig->dateFeilds = isset($modelConfig->dateFeilds) ? $modelConfig->dateFeilds : $portConfig->dateFeilds; $modelConfig->datetimeFeilds = isset($modelConfig->datetimeFeilds) ? $modelConfig->datetimeFeilds : $portConfig->datetimeFeilds; $modelConfig->sysLangFields = isset($modelConfig->sysLangFields) ? $modelConfig->sysLangFields : $portConfig->sysLangFields; $modelConfig->sysDataFields = isset($modelConfig->sysDataFields) ? $modelConfig->sysDataFields : $portConfig->sysDataFields; $modelConfig->listFields = isset($modelConfig->listFields) ? $modelConfig->listFields : $portConfig->listFields; } /** * Read excel and format data . * * @param string $model * @param int $pagerID * @param string $insert * @param string $filter * @access public * @return void */ public function readExcel($model = '', $pagerID = 1, $insert = '', $filter = '') { /* Formatting excel data .*/ $formatDatas = $this->format($model, $filter); /* Get page by datas.*/ $datas = $this->getPageDatas($formatDatas, $pagerID); $suhosinInfo = $this->checkSuhosinInfo($datas->datas); $importFields = !empty($_SESSION[$model . 'TemplateFields']) ? $_SESSION[$model . 'TemplateFields'] : $this->config->$model->templateFields; $this->getWorkFlowFields($model); $datas->requiredFields = $this->config->$model->create->requiredFields; $datas->allPager = isset($datas->allPager) ? $datas->allPager : 1; $datas->pagerID = $pagerID; $datas->isEndPage = $pagerID >= $datas->allPager; $datas->maxImport = $this->maxImport; $datas->dataInsert = $insert; $datas->fields = $this->initFieldList($model, $importFields, false); $datas->suhosinInfo = $suhosinInfo; $datas->model = $model; return $datas; } /** * Build NextList. * * @param array $list * @param int $lastID * @param string $fields * @param int $pagerID * @param string $model * @access public * @return void */ public function buildNextList($list = array(), $lastID = 0, $fields = '', $pagerID = 1, $model = '') { $html = ''; $key = key($list); $addID = 1; if($model == 'task') $members = $this->loadModel('user')->getTeamMemberPairs($this->session->taskPortParams['executionID'], 'execution'); $appendFields = $this->session->appendFields; $showImportCount = $this->config->port->lazyLoading ? $this->config->port->showImportCount : $this->maxImport; $lastRow = $lastID + $key + $showImportCount; foreach($list as $row => $object) { if($row <= $lastID) continue; if($row > $lastRow) break; $tmpList[$row] = $object; $trClass = ''; if($row == $lastRow) $trClass = 'showmore'; $html .= ""; $html .= ''; if(!empty($object->id)) { $html .= $object->id . html::hidden("id[$row]", $object->id); } else { $sub = " {$this->lang->port->new}"; if($model == 'task') $sub = (strpos($object->name, '>') === 0) ? " {$this->lang->task->children}" : $sub; $html .= $addID++ . $sub; } $html .= ""; foreach($fields as $field => $value) { $control = $value['control']; $values = $value['values']; $name = "{$field}[$row]"; $selected = isset($object->$field) ? $object->$field : ''; if($model) { if($control == 'hidden' and isset($this->session->{$model.'PortParams'}[$field. 'ID'])) $selected = $this->session->{$model . 'PortParams'}[$field. 'ID']; } $options = array(); if($control == 'select') { if(!empty($values[$selected])) $options = array($selected => $values[$selected]); if(empty($options) and is_array($values)) $options = array_slice($values, 0, 1); } if($control == 'select') $html .= '' . html::select("$name", $options, $selected, "class='form-control picker-select nopicker' data-field='{$field}' data-index='{$row}'") . ''; elseif($control == 'multiple') $html .= '' . html::select($name . "[]", $values, $selected, "multiple class='form-control picker-select nopicker' data-field='{$field}' data-index='{$row}'") . ''; elseif($control == 'date') $html .= '' . html::input("$name", $selected, "class='form-control form-date' autocomplete='off'") . ''; elseif($control == 'datetime') $html .= '' . html::input("$name", $selected, "class='form-control form-datetime' autocomplete='off'") . ''; elseif($control == 'hidden') $html .= html::hidden("$name", $selected); elseif($control == 'textarea') $html .= '' . html::textarea("$name", $selected, "class='form-control' cols='50' rows='1'") . ''; elseif($field == 'stepDesc' or $field == 'stepExpect') { $stepDesc = $this->process4Testcase($field, $tmpList, $row); if($stepDesc) $html .= '' . $stepDesc . ''; } elseif($field == 'estimate') { $html .= ''; if(!empty($object->estimate) and is_array($object->estimate)) { $html .= ""; foreach($object->estimate as $account => $estimate) { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } $html .= "
' . html::select("team[$row][]", $members, $account, "class='form-control chosen'") . '' . html::input("estimate[$row][]", $estimate, "class='form-control' autocomplete='off'") . '
"; } else { $html .= html::input("estimate[$row]", !empty($object->estimate) ? $object->estimate : '', "class='form-control'"); } $html .= ''; } else $html .= '' . html::input("$name", $selected, "class='form-control autocomplete='off'") . ''; } if(!empty($appendFields)) { $this->loadModel('flow'); foreach($appendFields as $field) { if(!$field->show) continue; $value = $field->defaultValue ? $field->defaultValue : zget($object, $field->field, ''); $html .='' . $this->flow->buildControl($field, $value, "$field->field[$key]", true) . ''; } } $html .= '' . "\n"; } return $html; } /** * Process stepExpect and stepDesc for testcase . * * @param int $field * @param int $datas * @param int $key * @access public * @return void */ public function process4Testcase($field, $datas, $key = 0) { $stepData = $this->testcase->processDatas($datas); $html = ''; if($field == 'stepExpect') return $html; if(isset($stepData[$key]['desc'])) { $html = ""; $hasStep = false; foreach($stepData[$key]['desc'] as $id => $desc) { if(empty($desc['content'])) continue; $hasStep = true; $html .= ""; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; if($desc['type'] != 'group') $html .= ''; $html .= ""; } if(!$hasStep) { $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; } $html .= "
' . $id . html::hidden("stepType[$key][$id]", $desc['type']) . '' . html::textarea("desc[$key][$id]", htmlSpecialString($desc['content']), "class='form-control'") . '' . html::textarea("expect[$key][$id]", isset($stepData[$key]['expect'][$id]['content']) ? htmlSpecialString($stepData[$key]['expect'][$id]['content']) : '', "class='form-control'") . '
1" . html::hidden("stepType[$key][1]", 'step') . " " . html::textarea("desc[$key][1]", '', "class='form-control'") . "" . html::textarea("expect[$key][1]", '', "class='form-control'") . "
"; } else { $html = ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= "
1" . html::hidden("stepType[$key][1]", 'step') . " " . html::textarea("desc[$key][1]", '', "class='form-control'") . "" . html::textarea("expect[$key][1]", '', "class='form-control'") . "
"; } return $html; } }